2005 – Charlottesville, VA

“To the best of my recollection…” submitted by Tom Martin


2005 was hosted by Bob Weiss at Charlottesville VA. We stayed at a Raddison Hotel with a well-stocked bar on the first floor. Those were the days when we could play golf all day, clean up, go to dinner and then close down the bar drinking and telling stories. We played the UVA Birdwood course where Doug Clevenger got the first Shootout hole in one. Bad timing for Doug to do that with his classmates in the bar after the round. It was reported that Doug mooned the entire bar when he saw the tab. We played a course at the Wintergreen resort below the Blue Ridge Mountains. We played Bob Weiss’s Country Club course and a fourth excellent course, again at the base of the Blue Ridge Mountains. I am pretty sure that was the year Kevin James got the Woody for playing the wrong ball multiple times.

Help us capture the moment…

Do you have photos from previous Shootout events?

We are missing photos from the following years: 2018, 2013, 2009, 2007, 2006, 2005, 2004, 2003, 2002, 2001, 2000, 1999. If you’d like your pictures added to the website, please send them in an email to cpfister@ciferrient.com